Specie: Northern Pike

Northern Pike catch and release records in rivers, lakes and commercial fishing locations in the world.

Goran Petrovic
Goran Petrovic
Sep 12, 2024

Druga štuka ove godine. Imao sam kidanje pre, veći komad odne varalicu, pa sam isao po sajlu kući da nastavim pecanje...

Northern Pike 0.510kg
SpeciesNorthern Pike
Location  Apatin
Lukas Matejka
Oct 10, 2019

Northern pike 26.7 kg | Lukas Matejka | Lake in Bohemia, Czech Republic

Northern Pike 26.7 ㎏ | Oct 10, 2019
SpeciesNorthern Pike
WaterLake in Bohemia
Goran Petrovic
Goran Petrovic
Sep 27, 2009

Štuka 2.100kg Mišvald Upecana na ulazu u mišvald na belog tvistera. Iz drugog zabačaja na isto mesto je udarila ponovo i pecala se.

Northern Pike 2.1kg
SpeciesNorthern Pike